A collection of sayings and short fables from Ramakrishna, a Bengali Hindu mystic who lived in the 19th century. The book also includes chapters about Ramakrishna himself; covering his life, his language, and the Vedanta philosophy, among other things.”It is not many years since I felt called upon to say a few words on certain religious movements now going on in India, which seemed to me to have been very much misrepresented and misunderstood at home.”
Ramakrishna: His Life and Sayings
To people who are unacquainted with the religious state of India, whether modern or ancient, and ignorant of the systems of philosophy prevalent in what has often, and not unjustly, been called a country of philosophers, it is very difficult to understand these movements, more particularly to distinguish between their leaders, who may be open to criticism, and the ideas themselves by which they feel inspired, and which they preach, often with great eloquence, to the multitudes that believe in them and follow them.”
By | F. Max Muller |
Published by | Rupa |
ISBN | 9788171677733 |
Format | Paperback |