Loving Women: Being Lesbian in Underprivileged India


Maya Sharma

Paperback 9788190363419


Loving Women documents the life-stories of ten working-class queer women living in north India. and dispels the myth that lesbians in India are all urban, westernized and come from upper and middle classes.

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​​The narratives in this volume constitute immense challenges and small but profoundly significant triumphs.


Located within a personal journey of emergence from a space fraught with silences and half-truths, the book documents the life-stories of ten working-class queer women living in north India. In doing so, it dispels the myth that lesbians in India are all urban, westernized and come from upper and middle classes. These real-life narratives create a space for voices with little or no privilege, providing these women with an opportunity to share their lived realities with one another and with others.


The stories effectively challenge the notion of women as sexual beings without agency, and it is hoped, will influence the women’s movement towards an inclusion of lesbian women in the movement.

Additional Information

Maya Sharma

Published by

Yoda Press





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