Survival and Emancipation: Notes From Indian Women’s Struggles


Brinda Karat

Hardback    9788188789375


A comprehensive book on the wide ranging concerns of the women’s movements in India from a left perspective.  The author’s active involvement in the women’s struggle adds to the strength of her narrative.  It weaves together experiences and critical observations to create a work of great theoretical and practical import.



1. Multiple Struggles.
2. Globalisation and Survival Issues.
3. On Political Participation.
4. Communalism and Women.
5. Violence Against Women.
6. A Personal Remembering.
With a foreword by Aijaz Ahmad.


Brindra Karat belongs to the All India Democratic Women’s Association, the largest women’s organisation in India, with 8 million members.


She has been its General Secretary from 1993 to 2004 and is its most well-known spokesperson. Brindra Karat is a Polit Bureau Member of the Communist Party of India (M) and a Member of Parliament.

Additional Information

Brinda Karat

Published by

Three Essays Collective





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