Gender, Caste and the Imagination of Equality


Anupama Rao

Hardback 9789385606144


Gender, Caste and the Imagination of Equality is a sequel to the influential volume, Gender & Caste: Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism (2003).





Gender, Caste and the Imagination of Equality is a sequel to the influential volume, Gender & Caste: Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism (2003).


It explores the changed terrain of discussion, and examines how religion, political and economic relations, and debates about sexuality and the politics of representation have reshaped the caste question in contemporary public life.



Contributors focus on these fraught questions, which challenge feminist invocations of the intersectionality of gender, caste and class, to ask how sex and social difference are being
transformed at present.



Additional Information

Anupama Rao

Published by

Women Unlimited





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