Hard-hitting and thought-provoking, An Autumn Melody is a searing saga that also details the nightmare faced by the Sikhs in India in 1984 with key characters that bear the brunt of the misled, violent mobs who took to the streets, rampaging, pillaging and killing all those who they thought were ‘sitting ducks’.
Hard-hitting and thought-provoking, An Autumn Melody is a searing saga that also details the nightmare faced by the Sikhs in India in 1984 with key characters that bear the brunt of the misled, violent mobs who took to the streets, rampaging, pillaging and killing all those who they thought were ‘sitting ducks’.
By | Sunaina Serna Ahluwalia |
Published by | Rupa |
ISBN | 9788129118608 |
Format | Paperback |